Emperor of the North

Emperor of the North

Aldrich uses detailed, glistening close-ups as if desperate to get inside these characters' souls. more…
The Prestige

The Prestige

The Prestige, despite wide-spread critical acclaim for the last dozen years, is a film I found wanting. The revenge aspect of the story seemed immature, and if you don’t “buy” the premise of the movie, then… more…
Grand Prix

Grand Prix

When in the bedroom, it bores; when on the track, it roars. more…


What 70's movie wouldn't be better with John Huston wandering in and poking around, with his cigar and trench coat, asking questions and trying to get to the bottom of things? more…
The Early Short Films of David Lynch

The Early Short Films of David Lynch

… reveals consistent artistic vision over the course of 50 years. more…


One feels we're peeking into grief we shouldn't be a witness to. more…
Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck

Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck

Kurt Cobain both wanted and dreaded fame, had zero interest in playing along with corporate promotion schemes and had longstanding mental and physical health problems untenable with the "rock star" lifestyle. more…
The Flower of My Secret

The Flower of My Secret

It's apparent in the thoughtful, intriguing and beautiful camera angles and meditative shots that Almodóvar is, even more than a screenplay writer, an artist who happens to use film as his medium. more…


Hip-hop sampling and mixing has a clear through-line not just from R&B, funk and reggae, but from classical music of the 20th century. more…
Caveman: V.T. Hamlin & Alley Oop

Caveman: V.T. Hamlin & Alley Oop

The American comic strip of the 20th century is a goldmine that's been superficially explored. Only a tiny few classic strips have been reprinted in their entirety. more…


If you're in the mood for a slow, pastoral take on farm life in Czechoslovakia during WWII… more…


… is experimental filmmaking on a gargantuan scale. more…
Secrets of a Soul

Secrets of a Soul

Pabst's surrealistic dream sequence is what the film's known for, and it does have some creepy and audacious moments. more…
The More the Merrier

The More the Merrier

… is sustained by three actors who are all masters of comic timing. more…
Yakuza Graveyard

Yakuza Graveyard

… is like a '70s Martin Scorsese film on speed. It's brash and bold, almost feverish, and makes no excuses. more…
Four in the Morning

Four in the Morning

… tells three stories concurrently, all taking place at the same time in the shipping district along the Thames River. more…
Eat That Question: Frank Zappa in His Own Words

Eat That Question: Frank Zappa in His Own Words

No narration and no context. Just Zappa, in a succession of interviews covering three decades, speaks for himself. more…
Kubo and the Two Strings

Kubo and the Two Strings

A stock hero's journey peopled with characters who are specific, flawed and interesting. more…
Knife in the Water

Knife in the Water

Deep-focus camera shots, startling in intensity and inventiveness. more…


Some scenes are so amateurishly written, you can see the actors trying to maintain a straight face. more…
Hell Is Sold Out

Hell Is Sold Out

Herbert Lom is probably best known in the US for his role as the Chief Inspector in Blake Edwards' Pink Panther movies. He's funny in those. more…
A Mighty Wind

A Mighty Wind

This mockumentary is successful not only because it's subtle, funny and sharp; it's also authentic. more…
Slightly Scarlet

Slightly Scarlet

A lurid '50s fever dream, hot and saturated, one of those artifacts which go about their unintentional business of squelching romantics' views of what the era was like. more…
Around the World in 80 Days

Around the World in 80 Days

Little of Jules Verne's droll and satirical observations in the book survive in the film. Nearly every scene is shortened, trivialized, and made less effective in Michael Todd's movie. more…
Behind Locked Doors

Behind Locked Doors

… is literally packed with talent. more…
A Serious Man

A Serious Man

Rarely has such dire material been handled with such a funny, ironic touch. more…
The Good Dinosaur

The Good Dinosaur

I won't even mention the hallucinogenic sequence of Arlo and Spot accidentally ingesting psychedelics. more…
Irrational Man

Irrational Man

There's slight and then there's fatally flawed, bordering on bad. more…
Jupiter Ascending

Jupiter Ascending

For a movie so reliant on detailed, expensive action sequences, those sequences are noteworthy for being edited so quickly they're nearly all incomprehensible — it's just a blur of color and shapes. more…
It Follows

It Follows

… that the state of horror films could be better. more…


Cinders and flames in a world of limited color and danger in the dark and unseen corners … more…
Gimme Shelter

Gimme Shelter

Without sound or music, the scene looks like a vision from Dante. more…
Inherent Vice

Inherent Vice

… just lies there. more…
¡Que Viva México!

¡Que Viva México!

It's strange to see the same kind of camera angles and staging we associate with Russian propaganda used to explore a land so different in temperament. more…
The Homesman

The Homesman

Humor and tragedy, sickness and joy are intertwined in this western, with a heavy melancholy resting over the landscape, even when sunny. more…


Interstellar's a pleasing, captivating, immersive film with much amazing imagery along the lines of Nolan's Inception. more…


This film belongs to Gyllenhaal, who lost thirty pounds for the role and plays it with unblinking, gaunt intensity. His mixture of remarkable self-confidence with morally unhinged business practices makes for a creepy persona. more…


No one pays to see a Godzilla movie without wanting to see mindless destruction on a monumental scale, preferably with some monster-on-monster action mixed in. more…


… excels in capturing the detailed, visceral, feet on the ground experience of combat, at the expense of literary themes. more…
The Wolf of Wall Street

The Wolf of Wall Street

It's time to face the fact that the Martin Scorsese we used to know, the one who made intimate, quirky, mid-level movies like The King of Comedy, After Hours and Taxi Driver, is long gone. more…
Gone Girl

Gone Girl

If you enjoy twisted, you won't be disappointed. more…
Lone Survivor

Lone Survivor

Peter Berg makes visceral every bullet taken, every bone-crunching, leg-shattering plunge, fall, and plummet. Not a film to watch with your grandma. more…
The Drop

The Drop

Tom Hardy has proved to be one of the most promising actors working and he so loses himself here in the role of Bob Saginowski that I forgot I was watching Tom Hardy. more…
Magic in the Moonlight

Magic in the Moonlight

Every character, major and minor, is present for one purpose only: to hammer home Woody Allen's ideas. more…
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