The Irishman
… doesn’t rely on bravura set-pieces as in earlier Scorsese gangster films. The killings portrayed here are often quick, casual, over practically before you realize it; just another assignment in a day’s work. more…
Broken Embraces
The luxurious style with which Almodóvar tells his story is cinema carefully composed as a love letter to past cinema. more…
… belongs to Joaquin Phoenix, who gives a monumental, disturbing performance, playing "Arthur Fleck" as a mentally damaged, brain-clouded embodiment of emotional pain. more…
Film in a Box: TV Series Challenge Cinema Art
David Lynch called TV "the new art-house," saying that TV has taken over the role of creating art films from the movie industry. I believe this is largely true. more…
Yakuza Graveyard
… is like a '70s Martin Scorsese film on speed. It's brash and bold, almost feverish, and makes no excuses. more…
This film belongs to Gyllenhaal, who lost thirty pounds for the role and plays it with unblinking, gaunt intensity. His mixture of remarkable self-confidence with morally unhinged business practices makes for a creepy persona. more…